42 research outputs found

    Indexing Motion Detection Data for Surveillance Video

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    Dynamic Relative Compression, Dynamic Partial Sums, and Substring Concatenation

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    Given a static reference string RR and a source string SS, a relative compression of SS with respect to RR is an encoding of SS as a sequence of references to substrings of RR. Relative compression schemes are a classic model of compression and have recently proved very successful for compressing highly-repetitive massive data sets such as genomes and web-data. We initiate the study of relative compression in a dynamic setting where the compressed source string SS is subject to edit operations. The goal is to maintain the compressed representation compactly, while supporting edits and allowing efficient random access to the (uncompressed) source string. We present new data structures that achieve optimal time for updates and queries while using space linear in the size of the optimal relative compression, for nearly all combinations of parameters. We also present solutions for restricted and extended sets of updates. To achieve these results, we revisit the dynamic partial sums problem and the substring concatenation problem. We present new optimal or near optimal bounds for these problems. Plugging in our new results we also immediately obtain new bounds for the string indexing for patterns with wildcards problem and the dynamic text and static pattern matching problem

    Output-Sensitive Pattern Extraction in Sequences

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    Genomic Analysis, Plagiarism Detection, Data Mining, Intrusion Detection, Spam Fighting and Time Series Analysis are just some examples of applications where extraction of recurring patterns in sequences of objects is one of the main computational challenges. Several notions of patterns exist, and many share the common idea of strictly specifying some parts of the pattern and to don\u27t care about the remaining parts. Since the number of patterns can be exponential in the length of the sequences, pattern extraction focuses on statistically relevant patterns, where any attempt to further refine or extend them causes a loss of significant information (where the number of occurrences changes). Output-sensitive algorithms have been proposed to enumerate and list these patterns, taking polynomial time O(n^c) per pattern for constant c > 1, which is impractical for massive sequences of very large length n. We address the problem of extracting maximal patterns with at most k don\u27t care symbols and at least q occurrences. Our contribution is to give the first algorithm that attains a stronger notion of output-sensitivity, borrowed from the analysis of data structures: the cost is proportional to the actual number of occurrences of each pattern, which is at most n and practically much smaller than n in real applications, thus avoiding the aforementioned cost of O(n^c) per pattern

    Fingerprints in compressed strings

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    Abstract. The Karp-Rabin fingerprint of a string is a type of hash value that due to its strong properties has been used in many string algorithms. In this paper we show how to construct a data structure for a string S of size N compressed by a context-free grammar of size n that answers fingerprint queries. That is, given indices i and j, the answer to a query is the fingerprint of the substring S[i, j]. We present the first O(n) space data structures that answer fingerprint queries without decompressing any characters. For Straight Line Programs (SLP) we get O(logN) query time, and for Linear SLPs (an SLP derivative that captures LZ78 compression and its variations) we get O(log logN) query time. Hence, our data structures has the same time and space complexity as for random access in SLPs. We utilize the fingerprint data structures to solve the longest common extension problem in query time O(logN log `) and O(log ` log log `+ log logN) for SLPs and Linear SLPs, respectively. Here, ` denotes the length of the LCE.